Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What kind of day will I have today?

I received an email from my sister today that I think is worth thinking about. It is kind of cheesy, but if we put Christ into these thoughts, and other thoughts that come into play during our day I think it is actually a very very beautiful way to view our day here is the E-mail:

I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the day ends. I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important. My job is to choose what kid of day I am going to have.

Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or... I can be thankful that the yard is getting watered for free.
Today I can grumble about my health or... I can rejoice that I am alive.
Today I can mourn my lack of friends or... I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships.
Today I can whine because I have to go to work or... I can shout for joy because I have a job to do.
Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do chores or... I can feel honored because life has provided shelter for my mind, body, and soul.

There is a saying that I have heard for a long time, I do not know who said it, or where it originated but I love what it says, "Today is a day the Lord hath made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it!" I think this directly applies to everyone of the things laid out in the E-mail. For that matter I think it applies to everything we do, everyday. If the weather is not what we want or what we expect to have, be glad! We have water for green grass that is beautiful to look at and play in. We have sunshine that is great for going outside and spending time together, or for going outside to just realize that simple things like that, which I for one, and a lot of others take for granted, are able to make our days beautiful. We do have our health, we are alive, and we are living in this world that God created and gave to us. Even if our health is not perfect, maybe we have some limitations that health brings, but so what? WE ARE ALIVE! We need to offer all of this up to God and thank him for all of these beautilful, yet simple gifts. On the subject of friends. If we feel that we do not have enough friends or that we need more we need to realize that we have a friend in Christ. He is always there, and we should turn to him on the good times and in the bad times to offer every part of our day upto him. We also need to thank him for the people that come into our lives and recognize every friendship we have and ever acquaintance we make is becuase of him and nothing else. Work can be boring, and it can end up being dreaded because of the things that it puts us through. But think of this, there are people who wake up in the morning not knowing when there next meal will be and have no clue how they are going to shelter and feed their families. We should be so lucky to have a job, no matter what is and we should take time to make a concerted effort at making every day there a joyful one, not only for us but for the people we encounter. I said this in a blog a while ago, but smile at someone today. A real genuine smile and see what their reaction is. When was the last time someone smiled at you? Not for doing something nice for them, or for smiling at them first, but just smiled because they are happy? Having a hard time remebering when that was? Maybe becuase it is such a rare thing in this world. Chores. Who likes them? I dont. I hate cleaning my apartment, I dont like spending time on things like making my bed, or sitting down and paying bills. But the reasons we do these things is because we have been given the place to live, the heat, the bed to sleep in, and the food to eat from God and we need to do that as a way to show our appreciation and respect for the gift God gave us. I think this world could be such a more wonderful place if we could just focus in on all of this. I know its hard. Im not saying that I do this all the time, or that I'm doing this and you should too because I'm tired of being the only one. I'm saying it as a plead for all of us to work as a team, and build up this world to a loveing, caring and happy place that God intended for it to be. Take into consideration the things you do today and realize they are gifts from God. Thank him for the gifts he gives you.

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