Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Long time away

It has been a long time since I have posted on here. Mainly due to a lot of things going on and all of them happening at once, I kind of lost sight of what I was doing here and how I was trying to reach the world and talk to people. I am sorry for that. It is crazy to sit back and think that if for one day you didn't call the same person you called everyday( you all know there is that one person) Or if you didn't text anyone or answer the phone when anyone called. How soon do you think it would be before the police were knocking on your door doing a welfare check and just making sure you were still alive? How come no one called the cops for me? Just kidding. But back to the serious subject. What if you dropped off of the face of the world for a day? Who would you talk to? If I ever did that there is only one person I would still talk to and that is God. I would still get on my knees and talk and converse with him and then everything I did that day would still make me think of him. I am sure that I actually would have a lot more conversations with him if I did this with having all of the other people and everything cut off for a day. Who would you miss talking to the most? Hopefully your answer to that question is not God because hopefully you would still keep in contact with him... Just thinking.....