Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Have you seen the movie "Billy Madison"? If you have remember the scene where they are on the field trip to the old west place and that old lady is giving the kids a tour and talking about the most random and oddball stuff and stops in the middle of her sentence and asks, "Is anyone even listening to me?" Ha ha ha. I feel like that old woman with this blog. Someone comment or something and let me know you are out there to give me more motivation to write on here so I know I am not just doing this for my own health please!


Anonymous said...

Someone is listening. I bless you in your journey. Your past months have been difficult. I was looking for inspiration, Tonight I thought of you, and remembered your blog. Im still searching but you brought me back my friend, bless you my brother.

Jon said...

Wow, Thank you. You do not know how much it means to me to have someone say something like that. It is nice to know that the silly things I post on here, or what seems silly to me actually affects people. I appreciate your comment and I welcome you to continue commenting on further post's. I will keep you in my prayers and I ask only that you do the same for me. God Bless you and your journey twords him!

DJ said...

HI jon, you probably don't remember me, but it's DJ Mielens :)

DJ said...

HI jon, you probably don't remember me, but it's DJ Mielens. :)

Jon said...

Hey DJ! Yes I do remeber you! How have you been brother? You should email me. If you dont have my email address anymore Ask me for it and I will get it to you... Do you have a blog going now?